Powering the Next Generation of Heavy Machinery: Scaling RISE® Technology
With the successful market debut of RISE® Robotics' first commercially-launched product, the fluid-free RISE® Cylinder packaged within the re-engineered Anthony Liftgate, Re-Gen Railtrac™, one question is on everyone's mind: what's next for RISE®?
A rare innovation in a stagnant industry, the Re-Gen Railtrac™ with RISE® Inside, is the culmination of a partnership founded upon an endeavor to answer some of material handling’s most pervasive concerns. The modernized liftgate features a fluid-free, electromechanical alternative to hydraulic cylinders for heavy equipment and machinery that addresses the battery-electrification downfalls inherent in hydraulic systems while delivering hydraulic-like forces at unprecedented efficiency, precision, speed, and weight.
The machine is a stark improvement over its traditional counterparts in terms of efficiency, being the first in its class capable of producing its own energy during operation. The RISE® Cylinder uses up to 90% less energy than traditional hydraulic cylinders thanks to lower power consumption levels and regenerative charging. This extraordinary level of efficiency makes the electrification of heavy machinery practical and conceivable.
Now RISE® Robotics is setting its sights on expanding the reach of its technology with the goal of redefining the power, reliability, and sustainability of actuators in the heavy lifting space.
Building on the innovation achieved in bringing the re-engineered liftgate to life, RISE® Robotics' current project entails scaling their actuator to fit a wider selection of robust heavy machinery, addressing the modern needs of high-capacity lifts and cranes.
Dwarfing the liftgate cylinder's modest 4500lb load, currently in development in the RISE® lab is a 50,000lb cylinder. RISE® Robotics’ desire is not only to build a bigger cylinder, though, but to build a bigger cylinder that is actually useful.
To do so, RISE® is working closely with partners from within the industry, including manufacturers of high-capacity forklifts and lithium-ion battery packs, to ensure more than just buildability but also capability and compatibility.
Through multifaceted testing and demonstrations, this 10x magnified cylinder is not only proving viable but also superior to current hydraulic solutions, highlighting the teams' core vision of a cleaner, quieter, more efficient world powered by RISE®.
Although one might expect scaling to this degree to come with expenses to match, cost efficiency has similarly improved, with the final price of ownership remaining far lower than hydraulic systems, even when accounting for the cost of adapting infrastructure.
On the introductory side, RISE® Robotics' cylinder requires significantly fewer materials than comparable hydraulics, a natural consequence of clever engineering, while utilizing components able to be fabricated through conventional means, rather than those requiring specialized machines.
The RISE® Cylinder also features a number of long-term investment advantages, including integrated automated monitoring capabilities that allow for regular and preventative maintenance, which is near impossible with current hydraulics.
Most hydraulic systems today are still nowhere near what one would consider a "smart device." RISE® Robotics' unique methods and materials allow the monitoring of cylinders over the lifecycle of the machine in an automated fashion requiring no human intervention, flipping the standard of expensive, invasive troubleshooting on its head and redirecting the trend towards telematic, self-monitoring systems.
The numerous achievements of Re-Gen Railtrac™, with RISE® Inside, in collaboration with Anthony Liftgates, establish only the starting line for the future of electrification for material handling equipment. The RISE® Cylinder is proving to be not only a successful hydraulic alternative capable of revolutionizing actuation but also a scalable one.
Today RISE® looks to cultivate relationships that allow them to advance and adapt their technology to serve the widest selection of applications possible. Each day, they connect with pioneers and experts across industries, daring enough to partner in re-imagining the machines that move our world, jointly conceptualizing, building, testing, and verifying the next generation of heavy machinery with RISE® Inside.